Monday, March 17, 2008

Laughter in the Rain

It's been another stormy day. Yet another day of being drenched. Yet another day of shivering in the autumn chill.

Isn't it tempting to shed one's tears amidst the storm? The mingling of streaming tears and raindrops offers a veil between oneself and the world. Few, if any would guess that those rolling droplets on your cheeks were actually tear drops.

When masks eventually unbound, it can be an ordeal at times to navigate life with a relatively frail social footing and little support to keep my balance. Yet I manage to get by, somehow. I've burnt my bridges and turned my back on my kind in exchange for something hitherto unknown. I've realized that a new dawn does not necessarily promise a better day. Was I blinded by naivety or blind hope itself, perhaps? Whatever the case, the answer is irrelevant, but only the outcome matters.

Yet beyond the tears, there lingers on hope for a brighter day of joy. For that, I laugh in the midst of the storm.


JameS said...

dearest joel,

u know i'm one of your buddies, and im on your side. but its times like these, i have to leave appropriate comments.

and here it is :)
Please click on the link below:
My Heartfelt Comment to Joel's Post :)

Joel said...

Thanks.. I think :)